Leybourne SS Peter & Paul Primary Academy
Local Governing Body Structure 2024-2025

Andy Rathbone (Chair of Governors) Appointed September 2021
Tina Holditch – Ex Officio (Headteacher Governor)
Philippa Gibbs (Tenax Appointed Governor) July 2021
Becky Mockler (Staff Elected Governor) October 2021
Anne Thomas (Tenax Appointed Governor) February 2024
Rev. Kelly Parsons (Tenax Appointed Governor) November 2023
Lisa Vickers (Parent Elected Governor) October 2021

Clerk – Sara Wallis (clerkofgovernors@leybourne.school)

All Governors are appointed by Tenax Schools Trust, with the exception of the two parent governors who were elected by parents and the staff governor who was elected by the staff.  Our local governing body also includes the Headteacher, Mrs Tina Holditch. Our Clerk to the Governors is Sara Wallis.   The Chair of Governors can be contacted in writing via the Clerk to the Governing Body, either by post using the school postal address, or by email: clerkofgovernors@Leybourne.school.

Our governing body meets once every other term, three times a year.

The roles and responsibilities of the Local Governing Body are:

  - Standards and Safeguarding

  - Ethos, Character and Local Traditions

  - Working with Parents and the Local Community

Further details of the LGB’s roles and responsibilities are contained in the Terms of Reference document below.

Individual governors also take on specific responsibilities as “link governors” for areas of the curriculum and aspects of the school’s life.  These are detailed in the school’s Local Governing Body Information document below.

Please click on the following link to visit the Tenax Schools Trust Governance  page of their website

Local Governor Information 2024-2025

Please click here to see this information