If a pupil is receiving support through a Provision Map, has been referred to an outside agency, or is in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, they are added to what is known as our “Tier 2” list. This list is for internal school use only, and is what is sometimes referred to as a “soft register” – meaning pupils can go on and off as their needs and situations change. Pupils on “Tier 2” are monitored closely to ensure any ongoing difficulties or areas of need are appropriately recognised and supported.

If a pupil’s level of need is such that they require additional support beyond that which can be offered through a Provision Map, they may be identified as needing SEN Support. This is a formal designation, which reflects the pupil’s level of difficulty in accessing the curriculum and the resulting impact on their ability to make good progress appropriate to their potential. Pupils identified as requiring SEN Support will have an individual provision plan, which will be formally reviewed and discussed with parents three times a year. As part of SEN Support, if there is a financial implication with regards to the additional support being offered, an application may be made to the Local Authority for High Needs Funding (HNF). Parents will be informed if this is the case.

The pupil will continue to receive SEN Support for as long as the support package is required for them to maintain good progress. If the pupil makes little or no progress despite all of the interventions that have been put in place, and it is considered that mainstream provision may not be appropriate for the remainder of the pupil’s educational life, then parents will be consulted and a referral made to LIFT to consider statutory assessment for an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan).